Automotive parts manufacturer and distributor, China
- Client: Automotive Components
- Location: China
- Date: 2016
- Category: Sales Process & Channel Development
Initiate a change in commercial behaviour - from taking orders to strategic account management. Manage the changing market dynamics without adding to headcount. Maintain strength of key brands and avoid being left behind in new channels.
We spent time in the field with sales, visiting customers and prospects to identify "Where is the pain?" "Where are the strengths?" The feedback from this was shared in cross-functional workshops with participants from sales, marketing and product management. This allowed all commercial functions to see the the challenges in the same way and jointly develop the solution. Key outputs were: Previously non-customer-facing functions picked up more responsibility for repeat order taking, allowing sales to more effectively focus on new business development. Developed ‘Value Stories’ (targeted and personalised value propositions) through ongoing practice and reinforcement, with a focus on framing / telling in order to sell the value of branded products and defend against generic and fake products. Freed capacity in sales which was re-assigned to key account management activities in order to focus on more strategically important customers and channels.
First mover advantage in the emerging online-to-offline channel. New commercial partnerships created in B2B distribution channel. Two joint ventures formed in B2B2C channel, giving direct engagement with motorists. One direct investment in distribution channel, giving control of key route to market.